

What is Cloudability?

Cloudability is a cloud cost management and optimization platform developed by Apptio1.
It is a cloud cost management tool that stands out for providing critical data on costs and cloud usage to decision-makers throughout the company.


What is it for?

You can use Cloudability in environments that use cloud services such as AWS, Azure and GCP, and it is especially useful for organizations that want to understand and control their cloud costs, as well as optimize the use of resources.

The platform offers visibility over the cloud infrastructure, allowing spending patterns to be tracked across all teams, departments and projects.
Monitor and Optimize CostIt helps IT, finance and DevOps teams monitor, optimize and manage cloud costs and usage.
Cost AllocationIt provides detailed cost allocation, including containers and support charges, to ensure that all cloud costs are fully allocated to the business.
Rightsizing It offers rightsizing capabilities in important cloud services to reduce operating expenses and finance future investments.
Financial Decision MakingEnable team ownership of cloud spending and correlate this spending to business value for more effective strategic decision-making.

What differentiates Cloudability from other similar tools?

Cloudability is a cloud cost management tool that stands out for providing critical data on costs and cloud usage to decision-makers throughout the company. Some of Cloudability's differentiators from other similar tools include.

In addition, Cloudability is known for its ability to integrate with various cloud platforms, providing a comprehensive solution for financial and governance management in the cloud.

  • Detailed cost analysis: Cloudability offers deep visibility and rich analytics on cloud consumption patterns, helping to optimize costs with one click across multiple cloud platforms1.
  • Budget alerts and daily reports: It has features such as budget alerts, daily e-mail reports, a customizable widget panel, scheduling and report sharing2.
  • Reserved Instance Planner (RI): A tool for planning and managing reserved instances, helping to reduce costs with long-term commitments2.
  • Analysis of the use of EC2: It offers analysis specific to the use of EC2, allowing for more efficient management of AWS2 resources.

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